Our Markets

Our Markets

When it comes to selecting your key contractors, within the field of electrical engineering your choice can prove to be one of the most critical 

Our Markets

When it comes to selecting your key contractors, within the field of electrical engineering your choice can prove to be one of the most critical. As global experts in the fields of electrical contracting and rotating electrical machines we have key skills in industry, infrastructure and the service sector with specific technical experience and capability to work in the most complex of environments.

We work diligently to provide a unique package of capabilities to a wide variety of customers including; power distribution utilities, manufacturing and process companies, NHS trusts, local authorities, housing associations and developers.

Our experience is vast as is the world in which we support and operate. Our core markets are shown in more detail, however we are not limited to these, working closely with clients in the fields of;







Connect with us

Quartzelec Ltd, Castle Mound Way, Central Park, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV23 0WB
Quartzelec is proud to be certified by: