Heritage Machines

Heritage Machines

With over 100 years experience, our legacy enables us to help extend the lifecycle of these machines

Heritage Machines

With over 100 years manufacturing experience, Quartzelec is derived from such electrical engineering giants which includes GEC, GEC Alsthom, BTH (British Thomson Houston), AEI (Associated Electrical Industries) and ALSTOM.

Motors and generators manufactured by these heritage companies are today supported by Quartzelec. In fact we have access to the design and engineering records for many of these machines. The Impak, Flowpak, Unipak and I range motors, developed in the 1970’s, 80's and 90's in both Bradford and Rugby are such heritage products. These robust, multi-functional, high power factor-low power cost ranges of cage induction machines, although developed and targeted for the Oil & Gas/Petrochemical Industries were also very successfully supplied into the more general industrial applications within the Power Sector, Metals & Mining and Water Industries to name but a few.

Capital spares can be easily supplied and we are able to source equivalent spare parts wherever necessary, to extend the lifecycle of these machines.


Motor SeriesFramesizeSpeedProtectionOutput Range
Impak 355, 400, 450 2 to 12 pole IP23 - 55 140kW - 2000kW
Flowpak 280, 315, 355, 400 2 to 12 pole IP56 160kW -  900kW
Unipak 315, 355, 400, 450, 500, 560 2 to 12+ pole IP56 350kW - 3500kW
I Range 500, 560, 630, 710, 145, 160, 183 2 to 24+ pole IP55 circa 750kW - 21000kw+


Key Contacts

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Connect with us

Quartzelec Ltd, Castle Mound Way, Central Park, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV23 0WB
Quartzelec is proud to be certified by: