Whether a 600MW generator or small low voltage motor, a rotating electrical machine is usually a critical component, which if out of action, can have dire consequences.
That’s why you should choose Quartzelec as the basis for your structured maintenance and repair strategy to avoid costly downtime and reduce total cost of ownership.
One of the largest independent electrical engineering service providers in the UK and a globally recognised expert in rotating capital plant, Quartzelec delivers fully integrated support solutions for a broad range of UK and worldwide customers.
Our dynamic structure and dedication to supporting customers 24/7 through a network of regional offices and workshop facilities, gives us the capability to provide seamless worldwide support at a local level.
Our specialist expertise is drawn from a distinguished heritage, stretching over 100 years and which includes access to IPR from some of the most highly respected British names in electrical machine design: GEC, Alstom, AEI, BTH, Metropolitan-Vickers, English Electric, Edison-Swann, Ferguson Pailin and Lancashire Dynamo Crypto. However, we are equally well equipped to look after rotating electrical plant supplied by other OEM's.