Monitoring and Protection

Monitoring and Protection

A range of state of the art solutions which provide protection, operational information and ongoing monitoring, ultimately allowing detection of early signs of deterioration

Monitoring and Protection

Lack of maintenance, operational knowledge or monitoring systems can cause catastrophic failures in large machines and with this in mind, experts within the Quartzelec Group of companies have designed a range of state of the art solutions which provide protection, operational information and ongoing monitoring, ultimately allowing detection of early signs of deterioration.


High Voltage Machine - condition monitoring

LIFEVIEW® is a fully flexible and modular condition monitoring solution to evaluate the health of your rotating electrical assets. The LIFEVIEW Analysers offer two distinct variations to suit: the option of a fully installed, permanent solution with LIFEVIEW Live or the flexibility of LIFEVIEW Mobile, offering portable on-line analysis for a fleet of machines. A range of LIFEVIEW sensors have been developed which can be installed on machines from new or retro-fitted at a later date. ATEX certified sensors are also available.

Our LIFEVIEW® range of condition monitoring solutions are marketed under our Quartzteq brand and more detailed information can be found on the Quartzteq website:

Visit Quartzteq Website


Synchronous Machine - rotor winding protection

ATEX certified, the Rotoguard is a telemetry system designed for monitoring and protecting the rotor winding of synchronous machines. By giving an early warning of deterioration of the rotor insulation and providing a continuous readout of the rotor earth leakage resistance and winding temperature, the system forms the basis for an ideal protection scheme for synchronous machine rotors.

The Rotoguard is marketed under our Quartzteq brand and more detailed information can be found on the Quartzteq website:

Visit Quartzteq Website


Synchronous Machine - starting protection

The starting of synchronous motors gives rise to stresses which can cause serious damage. With this in mind, our experts have designed the Rosenberry Starter Hub enabling machines to start quickly and easily so minimising potential damage. The hub is suitable for installing on new plant, but can just as easily be retrofitted to existing machines where components have become obsolete or where the existing design is troublesome.

The Rosenberry Hub is marketed under our Quartzteq brand and more detailed information can be found on the Quartzteq website:

Visit Quartzteq Website

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Call us: +41 (0) 56 560 20 60 


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Quartzelec Ltd, Castle Mound Way, Central Park, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV23 0WB
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